Software Architecture Laboratory


Tracking RFID-based Agents in Distributed Environments (TRADE)

Related Areas: Applied Research, Space Awareness

The research project aims at defining innovative technologies, models, algorithms, and solutions to support and improve some of the processes involved in the Supply Chain. To this aim, activities focus on different sensor devices to automatically obtain information from actual material flow: sensors distributed along the Supply Chain are RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification), Sensor Network and Imaging. Hence, research objective is modelling a framework for the production of specific and complex tracking and controlling applications.

Consistently, development objective is the system implementation within specific application domains for the process automation along the Supply Chain, where internal areas distinguished by related problems, and in order to guarantee multi-channel provision in terms of multiplicity of devices and technologies.

The project perspective is to foster innovation and efficacy in the production and distribution processes. SAL is involved in the following tasks: identification of models aimed at reducing the overall system complexity by applying vertical (abstraction) and horizontal (decentralization) decomposition techniques; definition of a conceptual model reifying perception and control concepts; definition of a the information general model (domain ontology); definition of the mechanisms used to represent the configuration (by means of reflective auto-representations).

People: Daniela Micucci Francesco Tisato

Dates: January 6, 2006 to January 3, 2008

Partners: SEAM S.p.A., Microsystems, Siemens Informatica, Consorzio Milano Ricerche

Financing: Metadistretti Program – Regione Lombardia

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