Software Architecture Laboratory


INtegrated SYstem for EMErgency (IN.SY.EME)

Related Areas: Self Awareness, Space Awareness

The project aims at studying and experimenting innovative methodologies and tools for the realization of integrated systems oriented to prevention and management of emergencies caused by natural disasters.

The research activities will be focused on the evolution of large bandwidth radio communication systems, their integration with the existing communication networks (fixed, mobile, satellite), and the development of complex applications by the new paradigm called Mobile Grid Computing.

The feature of this Grid paradigm is the dynamic, pervasive and ubiquitous integration of heterogeneous technologies for the acquisition, transmission and processing of information into a unique system with high control of the Quality of Service in terms of performance, security and availability.

In.Sy.Eme aims at studying and experimenting innovative methodologies and tools for the realization of integrated systems oriented to prevention and management of emergencies caused by natural disasters. One of the goals of the project is to get a high degree of context-awareness

and adaptivity by breaking the boundaries among architectural levels (communication, middleware, application). On one side this means to raise up to the application level the visibility of internal system issues

like QoS, bandwidth and computing power. On the other side this means to manage computation and communication resources via context-aware strategies. These goals require the identification of proper abstractions that model both domain and reflective issues.

People: Diego Bernini Daniela Micucci Francesco Tisato

Dates: January 10, 2007 to January 10, 2009

Partners: University of Roma

Financing: FIRB, Italian MIUR

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