Software Architecture Laboratory


Self Awareness

In many real situations, applications are required to adapt themselves dynamically to variations of resource availability, network connectivity, and other changes that may influence their performances. To ensure behavioral adaptivity, applications need to be aware about information dealing with the running-context (devices, network, user requirements, services) and itself. Indeed, self-awareness is one of the property a system must exhibit to enable self-adaptation. Research in this direction includes both the definition of sets of suitable architectural abstractions modeling the basic concepts related to self-awareness, and frameworks enabling system self-awareness.


Reflective Graph Abstract Machine (RGAM)

RGAM (Reflective Graph Abstract Machine) is an architecture-based approach to self-adaptation that exploits architectural reflection. The overall RGAM architecture is designed as the union of two well-distinguished sub-architectures: the base-architecture, which supports …


Mulichannel Adaptive Information Systems (MAIS)

The goal of the MAIS project is the development of models, methods and tools that allow the implementation of multichannel adaptive information systems able to provide services with respect to different types …

INtegrated SYstem for EMErgency (IN.SY.EME)

The project aims at studying and experimenting innovative methodologies and tools for the realization of integrated systems oriented to prevention and management of emergencies caused by natural disasters. The research activities will …

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